1. Once you have familiarized yourself with My Locker and the other JSO features, we suggest the following:
  2. As you will see in this guide, there are three levels of study:
  3. Organize your time and how many hours a day you will dedicate to studying (for example, 1.5 hours).
  4. Plan on how you will divide this time. It is a good idea to dedicate a certain amount of time to each aspect.

For example:

    • 20 minutes: For warm-ups.
    • 20 minutes: For chordal or improvisational exercises.
    • 20 minutes: For taking your chosen exercise(s) through all 12 keys and at progressively more challenging tempos.
    • 20 minutes: For applying your exercise to a tune you are working on.
    • 10 minutes: For note-taking and/or summarizing your practice session in your personal notepad in My Locker. (For example, What worked well, What could use more work, What you will work on next.)
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